I eceived my CBT assignment today and from the sounds of it I´ll be cut off from internet for 5 weeks.....boo. I´ll be in a small campo in Bani. There are 4 of us in the same block so it won´t be bad. Just know that I am safe and probably eating ridiculous amounts of platanos.
First picture: Vaccination time at ENTRENA
2nd: my princess fort. tilt your head, i don´t have time or money to rotate the picture
The other night i was on the phone with my mom. It was super late because she was apparently waiting for the vaccum repair person to call her back (i forgive you Alma). Anyway, I´was talking to her while laying under my mosquito net and enjoying my powerful AC (wall mounted fan). Out of the corner of my eye, i see this black thing squirm a little. Guess what it was......that´s right......A HUGE SPIDER! It´s body was the size of a nutter butter and it´s leg span was the length of my hand! It seriously made me freak out. My mom convinced me to wake up my dona by saying, ¨mamitas, spiders are dangerous!¨ Anyway, after waking up my lady, she came down and just looked at the ginormous spider and said ¨no hace nada¨ (doesn´t do anything). Was she kidding?! she could tell i was freaked out so she went and got the broom. She fought the spider by swatting it until it crawled out through the window. The best part of this story is that i had just finished hand washing my ahem....undies and they were hanging in the window slats to dry (common practice here). yup, the same window slats that the spider crawled in through, was swatted against, and crawled out through. say it with me.....HUGE SPIDER 1 , ESPIE 0
Thanks Em for letting me know that UNR beat UNLV.....GO PACK!
goodbye for now. wish me luck in BANI!
hhahahaha Like I said last night...glad I didnt see the thing. Good luck in Bani...and good job on your tests. EVOL UOY
EEEEK!! And yay to my first blog shout out!! haha Good luck and have fun in Bani. I love your princess fort and I love you...and I freaking MISS you!! Can't wait to see more pictures
OMG! I'm glad you survived your spider encounter. It's so wired, last night I had a dream about a HUGE spider and I grabed it and smashed it with my hands! (not recommended. Anyway, hope you are having a wonderful time. I miss you SO much.
I think your bed is a little big, I do love the princess look though. I've always wanted a bed like that. Minus the ginormous(sp) spider. Hope your having tons of fun. College sucks be glad your done with that. Oh and the game was super exciting this year.
hahaha nutter butter sized panties spider! say that four times fast. Im glad to hear you are doing well, of course bueno suerte for the next several weeks. i look forward to hearing from you again. we all miss you very much, oh Elizabeth is getting married on the 20th! just thought u would like to know. take care esp, much love.
looks like you enjoy getting shots. glad they are being smart and doing 2 at a time as you may not sit still for the second one. try to eat other stuff not just platano. are any shots for spiders be careful in Bani. QTCD mom loves you too.
Hey Espie! OMG.. that sounded pretty scary, be positive... at least you can see it unlike the little ones that might hide in your chonies. Ouch! LOL. Stickers, breakfast bars and candy on it's way :o). Love ya.
Ps. Ur going to love this sticker. Has lots of attitude... Hopefully your dona doesn't understand it.
eeew hespier that is siiiiiick. i would have smashed it!!!! ek
ESPIE! I've been so busy that I finally got the opportuity to check out your blog. I just read about the spider and it made me laugh so hard. I think my favorite part was that you included you were under the mosquito net...or the fact that you described the spider as a nutter butter..can't decide what part was better! It made me miss you so much more too, and how I miss all your stories! Hope the Bani experience is going well and hope to hear from you soon! Be Safe :)
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