These are a little old, but I stole them from somebody. The first one is of all of the PCVs that came with me in September. I believe this was taken a few hours before swearing in. We've lost two since then. The second is of us swearing in. It was pouring. You can see a bit of my forehead on the left.
Dang! Looks like you got a hardcore site. Go ahead and go crazy, I did. Hang in there!
tm PCV DR 84-86
Hey you...first off...HAPPY EASTER...Second congrats on the update here. hahahahah The pics are amazing and finally we see what its really like. OMG...your right its crazy. The pig...ohhh the poor pig...was it good? kidding. Crazy but I was in Grenada today and some of the houses I saw were comparable to those of yours. It totally put it into perspective. But you do know that this will make you stronger and from the looks of it your moving...right? About the mice...I cant really help you there. I compare that to my annoying roomate who is here as a replacement for a couple weeks. Weird but he has the same similarities as those pesky mice. We should compare at a later date. Miss ya and hope your well. Write soon.
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