Thursday, August 30, 2007


Some specifics:

Program: Healthy Families
Job Title: Community health/Health Nutrition Extensionist
Dates of Service (incl. Training): September 2007-November 2009

The program's overall goals are to contibute to the reduction of infant mortality, reduction in maternal mortality and reduction in HIV/AIDS infection.

My thoughts: HOLY MOLY (picture a biggest smile my facial muscles can produce)!


Todd Bales said...

I work with your mom and she was telling me about what you are doing. How very cool! I wish you the very best and look forward to hearing the good things you will be doing over there.

God bless!


Emily said...

I'm so proud of you!!!! I'm crying.

DannyHoch said...

OMG only a couple more hours till you leave. I'm glad the party was great. Im bummed I couldn't be there but I was in spirit.

DannyHoch said...

You are on your way right this second. No worries. Your going to be great. The DR will be better with you there. Your passion, sincerity, and hard work will make a difference there.