Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Last night in the U.S.!

We leave for the D.R. in a few hours! I took advantage of our free evening by exploring Georgetown a bit. Derrick (fellow PCT) is from here so he was the official tour-guide. He showed Maryam and me the university Red Square, Healy Hall (sorry if that's off), the famous steps where former U.S. Presidents have spoken (including Abe Lincoln), and the staircase where THE EXORCIST was filmed. This was super exciting for me and I plan to post a few pictures at a later time.

Anyway, I should call my mom so she isn't a "Sad Monkey". Thank You so much for your interest in my adventure. I am counting on your continued support and motivation throughout the PCT and PCV process.

I'll post as soon as I am able to from the D.R.


juvz said...

I'm so glad I got the chance to speak with you live before you were off. Sounds like I caught you in the nick of time. I'm so gonna miss you. When your back call me and I'll make you whatever you want to eat. Maybe Juvie's Famous homeade Enchilada's! :o) Kisses...

Alma said...

Remember that I want to know all that you are up to and that your family is proud of you and loves you QTCD Mom.

Emily said...

Thanks for the text before leaving Miami!! I can't wait to hear all about your family, what it's like over there, and all the great things you'll be doing to help people. Love you!